Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fall 07/08 Registration Begins

Dear Tidal Wave Parents –
As the registration process progresses, on Monday you will need to fill out the USYSA Membership Form that I give to you in the event of an emergency medical treatment given to your daughter. I have already filled out the majority of the forms for returning players to ensure proper procedures.

For those of you not attending camp, I will mail you the forms tomorrow, please complete and include the additional requirements (see below) and mail them back to me with your check. My address is listed below.

For new players: Players name must match the player’s name as it appears on her birth certificate. No nick names.

For all: Parent signature is required in two areas in blue ink on the USYSA membership form and will be returned as incomplete if missing.

In addition to the properly completed form, I will need:

Check or Money order made out to OVYSL for $25
One small 1 ½ X 1” colored photo of your player. A too small picture or too large picture is unacceptable. No hat or sunglasses. Photos must be front view. No Polaroid’s and no photos cut from previous passes or baseball cards will be accepted. Computer generate photos are acceptable if they are high quality. PLEASE WRITE PLAYERS NAME ON BACK OF PHOTO.
Two copies of a copy of the players government issued certified birth certificate (not the original), green card, refugee card or passport. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates are NOT acceptable. (This is required for age verification per USYSA rules and after this year will not be required as the new computer program will already have this information in the program.)

Additional funds will be collected to cover the team registration fee as well as referee and field dues, however, we will determine that amount in the next week.

I think that covers it, if you have additional questions, please let me know.

Thanks for your cooperation with this.


Tidal Wave Spring 07 Comes to a Close